Monday, August 06, 2007


Well the weather has not been that great but at least there's been loads to keep me happy. In fact there's been so much that I've hardly been near a PC even though there's been loads of great stuff happening worthy of news....E3 has been and went and there's was a load of great content on Xbox LIVE ...The demos were not that great this year as there was not that many of them, but there were loads of HD trailers of some great looking titles coming in 2007....It's a pity that GTA 4 has been pushed back until Easter 2008, but in a way that's better for me as there's just so many quality titles out this year, I think it's a good move.

Top surprise for me at E3 this year was the Ace Combat 6 demo. I never like these kind of games, but after playing through the demo about 20 times, I have to say, I love this game and Can't wait for the release in Nov 2007.

July has been a funny old month for me with emotions running high...Some of my family decided to treat me like shite for no apparent reason and that hurt me a lot...It took me a few weeks to get over it, but what does not kill you makes you stronger right? It seems the more you do for people the more they crap on you and family have a way of ripping your heart out...I never seen it coming...but oh well...You live and learn.

On a positive note, my estranged sister Michelle turned things around by praising me to the max...after years of put down and mental abuse, she took me by surprise by acting like a Disney movie..Really...It was that mushy; but it felt really good and for the first time in many years It felt like I had 2 sisters and I must say; That was a most wonderful feeling....Will it last? I don't know...I really hope it does, but I'm not expecting miracles. (Christmas in July anybody?)

Elvis died 30 years ago on the 16th of Aug 1977...I'll be adding pics of my Elvis Collection and talking about the King and how I became a fan...Look out for that on my web site

Bye for now and as Elvis would say from the movie Change of Habit...Have a Happy!

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