Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dirty Dancing: The Keepsake Edition (UK DigiPak) Blu+DVD

So here's a video I made showing the box and menu screens from both the Blu-Ray disc and dvds discs in the set. Yes it's Dirty Dancing and yes I paid money for it (£11.99 to be exact)

Dirty Dancing for me is a movie I'm not shy about saying I really love. I love this movie not because it's the best movie ever made, no I love this movie because I have such good memories at the time when this movie came out and over the years it's just kind of stuck with me.

A lot of hate is thrust on this movie from us guys, but there are far worse chickflick movies that your wife or girlfriend will make you watch. The only thing I wish about the movie? I wish Jennifer Grey was in it as she looks now, sure, she's a lot older now, but she's damn hot :D That nose job she had did wonders for her :D She looks a bit like Evangeline Lilly from LOST now :D

Anyway... If you have this movie umpteen times over (this is my 3rd copy over the years) then all I can say is you're going to part with some more cash for another version because this is the definitive version of this movie in the UK at the moment and well worth the upgrade.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I got this yesterday (the 19th) and it really is a great book. A must have for LOST fans (and there's more than a few out there)

Monday, October 04, 2010


Yes your glasses are not failing you, I'm back! So what happened? I thought you were already back?

Well It's been a year of ups and downs for sure, My HD TV broke. At the end of May/start of June my laptop broke (Just got it fixed a few days ago) but the biggest thing that happened by far is my dads ongoing ill health since Nov last year, he's been on deaths door more than a few times and I've pretty much been living in a hospital for weeks at a time.

I'm going to be frank and say it's been one hell of a shit year at times, but for every down there's been an up and the biggest up was my wee sister Nicola, my brother in law and there 3 kids, my wonderful wee nieces and nephew moving just a few doors up the road from my house, Aug 2 this year (2010 that is:D). They really have helped keep me going :D

If you don't know by now I'm a full time carer for my dad, he's paralysed from the chest down, he's blind in 1 eye, he only has 1 lung, he now has a weak heart, has suffered multiple Pulmonary edemas and now he is diabetic (type 2) so I've been trying to manage that for him for the past 3 weeks and feel I'm on the way to being a food expert LOL

So I'm back online! I hope for the foreseeable future that things are going to keep going well or at the very least just keep ticking along. Online is my wee escape from day to day stresses as it is for loads of people. For me if I'm online that means things are going as well as can be expected and by God that's enough for me :D

See you all around various corners of the net from now on *touch wood*, this will be my hub to all that's happening with me, and over time, I would like to link up everything that interests me online and off. I've got a lot of catching up to do, I kind of feel like I'm online for the first time again... Anyway!

Chow for now!