I've had this set for a long time but decided to add it as my next update to my dvd collection pics.
Check out all the pics by clicking the pic below
I've had this set for a long time but decided to add it as my next update to my dvd collection pics.
Check out all the pics by clicking the pic below
At the start of the month I said my mum would be on TV in a new Scottish Sun advert from the 16th, well she is (along with my aunt) and you can see her in the video below (my mum is on the left with the red bag) or on STV.
Yesterday I was in Tesco and while at the checkout with 12 cans of Tennent's lager I got asked for ID.. ID??? I'm 34 and I got asked for ID? Wooohoooo!
OK! So if I had been 21 I would have been pissed off BUT I'M THIRTY FOUR:D
I was well chuffed and made sure the woman who served me knew it hehe. I could not stop grinning all day after that. :D
That's what my dad used to do and that's what his dad does (my papa) who is 80 years old in sept.
With all this credit crunch stuff why not have a bash, it's fun (so I've been told) and the end results could taste amazing.
Here's some stuff my papa brought me today from his garden and I whipped up a nice little dinner for 3 from it, all I added was some butter, garlic powder and garlic salt. It was a huge hit and cost next to nothing (free for me) to make (bar cooking time off course at around 40 mins)
So if you have a garden get growing your own stuff:D
The finished result
My mum will be on the telly on the 16th of August with my Aunt on a new advert on STV. Read the full story in the pic I snapped from our local newspaper this morning. My mum and aunt had to sign release forms so they could use them. It's not 100% they will make the final cut, but I'll need to check it out when it's on just incase.
Our family are old pros when it comes to being on the telly, I've been on Glen Michael's Cartoon Cavalcade twice as well as a Scottish history program and on the news when the queen visited Livingston hospital back in 1990.