Looking really good :D Not sure of Emma Stone as a blonde. But Andrew Garfield looks to be perfect casting after all. I've went from.. 'Whatever' to' I can't bloody wait' on the geekometer for this movie after this trailer :D
Just a heads up that I'm going to start posting again. There's so many ways to use the internet on a daily basis that it can hurt your brain trying to keep up with everything. So I'm going to start using this blog (and my other blog JAMESTALKALOT MOVIES)
I kinda of got sidetracked like most people the past year or 2 with the likes of Twitter and Facebook and the like, but here I am and here I will be for a while.
This will be my online hub where I'll link to and talk about this that and the next... Excited? No? Well you should be...
Thanks to my good friend Ray (you can find his blog over at RayDvD Film Blog) who has inspired me to start blogging again. Cheers Ray!
Anyway! Hope you find something that will be on interest to you if you happen to come across this blog and if not? There's no shortage of sites to fill your boots with.
So here's a video I made showing the box and menu screens from both the Blu-Ray disc and dvds discs in the set. Yes it's Dirty Dancing and yes I paid money for it (£11.99 to be exact)
Dirty Dancing for me is a movie I'm not shy about saying I really love. I love this movie not because it's the best movie ever made, no I love this movie because I have such good memories at the time when this movie came out and over the years it's just kind of stuck with me.
A lot of hate is thrust on this movie from us guys, but there are far worse chickflick movies that your wife or girlfriend will make you watch. The only thing I wish about the movie? I wish Jennifer Grey was in it as she looks now, sure, she's a lot older now, but she's damn hot :D That nose job she had did wonders for her :D She looks a bit like Evangeline Lilly from LOST now :D
Anyway... If you have this movie umpteen times over (this is my 3rd copy over the years) then all I can say is you're going to part with some more cash for another version because this is the definitive version of this movie in the UK at the moment and well worth the upgrade.