Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bioshockingly Good!

Well, I've had this game for 2 days now and i've put about 8 hours in over the weekend; and what an 8 hours they have been...Bioshock has to be one the the best games I've seen/heard on the 360, It's almost always just jaw dropping in its looks and it's the best sounding 360 game I've ever played.

I've put it on the 'hard' setting, as I do for most of the games I buy so I can get the most time out of them, and by doing this, get value for money...In the 8 or so hours I've put into Bioshock, I feel like I've already got my money worth and I've got so much left to do, as I've only just got to use the 2nd bathysphere (Think underwater lift) to take me to the next level.

I've jumped out of my skin a few times thanks to some really well done set pieces and I've had a fight with a big daddy (the deep sea diver guy in the pic).

This game also gives you some really tough choices in the form of saving or helping 'little sisters'. These Little Sisters were once normal little girls, but now they have been altered to harvest ADAM (a form or genetic material)from the dead. You can kill the protectors 'the Big Daddy' (not easy), and then you have 2 choices....Do you harvest the ADAM from the little sister or do you save the little sister by returning her to a normal little girl?

If you harvest the ADAM from her, then she does not survive but you get a lot of ADAM to use in the game...If you save her, then you will get a very happy little girl thanking you so much, but not as much ADAM (80 instead of 200 I think)...For many people this will be a no brainer as they will just go for the easy option to just harvest the ADAM from her as to make the game more easy...

I on the other hand had to save the first little sister simply because...Well how can you kill a child? Even if it's only in a game? (the game tries its best to explain that these littles sisters are not kids though and by killing them you're doing a good thing)....
I have a wee niece about the same age as these little sisters and I just could not bring myself to kill this virtual wee girl...The thank you I got from not killing her made me feel warm inside...Not many games can do that to you and it makes me wonder what other tough choices I will have to make during the course of playing this game....Did I do the right thing? Are these really monsters like the people in the game would have you believe? I'll have to play more to find that one out.

I kind of wish there was a 3rd choice though and that's to leave the little sister as she is...Happy to collect ADAM with her pal the big daddy by her side...The way she talks to big daddy in such a happy way makes you feel a bit sad for trying to kill one of them even if it's for the greater good (whatever that may be)

Anyway...Bioshock, if you have a PC and gfx card (with shader 3.0) or an Xbox 360, then go and check this out...The graphics/sound/story/fear/heart that this game has makes it something special.

8 hours in score = 9.5/10

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