Saturday, May 12, 2007

How do I use a USB Keyboard with Messenger on Xbox 360?

A few days have passed since the spring 2007 update for the xbox 360 and many people (myself included) have wondered how well a USB keyboard would work with the now intergrated MSN into Xbox Live...Here's the answer.

When you're using Messenger on the console, you can use it with a keyboard
while you're engaged in other activities, such as watching a video or playing a

It is possible to use a USB keyboard while you are having an IM
conversation on Xbox 360. Simply attach the USB cable from your keyboard to one
of the USB ports on the Xbox 360.

You can use some of the following keyboard
shortcuts to interact with the Chat Box:
Sign in to Messenger. When you are
not signed in to Messenger, press Windows + M to take you to the Messenger tab
where you can sign in.

Start a conversation. If you are signed in but don't
have any open conversations, pressWindows + M to take you to the Messenger tab
where you can start a new conversation.NoteIf you have an open conversation in
Messenger and want to go to the conversation area, open the Xbox Guide and
select Chat and IM or press the Windows key on your keyboard.

Open the Chat
Box. If you have any open conversations, press Windows + M to open the Chat Box
right over your game or movie. You can see the last few lines of any active
conversations and enter a message. This is a good way to exchange quick

Close the Chat Box. You can close the Chat Box the same way you
brought it up, by pressing Windows +M.
Switch between conversations in Chat
Box mode. You may have more than one open conversation. Cycle between
conversations by pressing CTRL + -> (right arrow key).

Open the Guide
while in Chat Box mode. Press the Xbox Guide button on your controller or press
the Windows key to close the Chat Box and open the Guide.

NoteIf you using a Mac
keyboard, substitute the Apple key for the Windows key.

I might hold of and just get this bad boy (below)...But I'm sure a USB adaptor for one of my PC keyboard will cost a lot less :P

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